I am driven to introduce you to Rashi.
I make these pots in honor of him. But be warned, once you start learning the things he taught… well, you might be hooked for life!
It happened to me. At a very young age I was studying some pretty ancient texts. It was a specialty in the school I attended as a young girl. Those texts were religious in nature. And there was this guy named Rashi who explained it all in writing on the same page as the text we studied. Rashi is an acronym. Please look it up..it’s very interesting. .
Picture this:
On every single page there were writings in an absolutely beautiful font under the text’s words…sometimes besides them. I thought that the writer, a man named Rashi, had created this beautiful script AND had written the beautiful words. I learned that Rashi was a rabbi at around the year 1050. He commented on every single religious text I was learning, and so many more of which I’d never heard.
My imagination was on fire. I learned that this Rabbi had a vineyard. And he had a family. And don’t forget I thought he wrote in this beautiful script! (I did find out rather recently that he did not create the script, it was a publishing thing… But that’s not what I thought then!) This Rabbi and all his greatness grabbed my imagination and my young girl’s heart. How could he not? I mean, he was also French! Ooh la la!
All this enchantment drifted away through these many years… until…. I recently made a commitment, as a now very mature woman, to study ancient text again. (Daf Yomi) Guess what. HE’S BACK!
Rashi ‘s explanations of the text were all over the place. Be still my heart! I was so happy to listen to and read all those explanations. This time I really wanted to connect. This time, I wanted to contribute, too. So I did the only thing I know how to do … I began to make pottery that Rashi might have used in his vineyard. On some of them I’ve even hidden a letter in that very special script which had enchanted me has an eight-year-old girl.
Each time I complete one of these pots I ask… “Do you like this one, Rashi? I hope so. I make it in honor and thanks to you .”
This is a special collection and you can inquire here.